Dear customers...
We want to first apologize for any inconveniences or problems that we caused you for our many lacks in customer care.
We have great modules and big plans for the future but we don't deny that we had troubles in handling support requests. We talked about this situation even with WHMCS team and for some time most of our products were hidden in the Marketplace since we didn't manage to read and reply to comments.
Why did it happen? The core of the issue is that we are a small development team. We are sure that you appreciate our products like Mercury, the refactored Billing Extension, WHMCommerce together with some custom projects but it was hard for us to reply to so many requests.
To overcome this issue, we adopted several countermeasures that we would like to explain.
We need some focus
First of all we abandoned the development of 4 modules. It is still possible to use them but no further releases are planned. 3 of these modules have been directly integrated in other existing modules. For example Software Manager is now part of Mercury and we offered license keys to old owners of Software Manager (free of charge for one year).
We have also changed our development approach. Instead of creating many small modules, now we are expanding existing ones so they are easier to maintain. As a consequence all modules are going to become feature-rich and smoother than ever.
What's better than a Ticket? Our Lab!
We introduced the Lab, a brand new concept in software development that is also part of Mercury. Customers can ask new features and report bugs without opening support tickets. This is a big step forward because now user requests are somehow grouped by a similar topic. We think that users won't flood our support if they know that a bug they're experiencing has already been addressed in our Lab.
Moreover customers can quicky add suggestions or notes on existing projects, they can also rate them and keep us informed about what's their priority.
New website
We developed our new website to make it the main source of information. In modules' pages you can now find overviews, specifications, screenshots and changelogs. Most of the answers can be found directly on our website. We're also putting efforts in maintaining an in depth documentation.
Next level Support
Tickets are not all equally important. Pre-sales requests, support enquiries and emergencies have different priorities. With the introduction of Lab we managed to move bug reporting and feature requests away from our support platform. As for pre-sales requests we receive less tickets since the information provided by our new website clears up most of the questions. As icing on the cake we give you an easy way to figure out ticket response times.

Providing a better customer care
We know that we offered a poor support service during the past months. We enjoyed your interest in our solutions but maybe we were not ready for such a number of customers.
Thanks to these changes we think that we've finally fixed the issue with support requests. From now on we are committed not to leave unanswered tickets anymore. Once again we apologize for any inconvenience we caused.
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