New module - FrontEnd Master
Feature Request
Created By
During our development of Mercury and while in the making of our new website, we had to constantly update our front-end template and create new pages, new widgets, link them and mix everything to make it fluid and seamless. Since we're experienced with code this is just a routine for us, but we know this stuff can be frustrating at times, especially if you're a novice with WHMCS or with code in general.
Managing elements of the website is a need that almost every WHMCS user has sometimes, but the default solution is to write lines of code and study WHMCS "action hooks" to achieve the expected result.
A brand new module
That's where the idea comes from, why don't we make it easy to manage the front-end look?
This is a concept for a new module, already open to future expansions. Since it's about front-end developing and user experience we would really appreciate your participation to make it best.
Our goal is to create a tool to help you in the managment of your WHMCS front-end. Toolbar menus and submenus, footer links, carousel-sliders and banners will be all managed from an easy interface in your WHMCS back-end. You will be able to add, move and delete menus and submenus, edit your footer with links and information about your company, add a carousel-slider or banner in any page of your system in just minutes.
Customize everything
We plan to add levels of customisation, to give you the chance to choose colors, images and dimensions for core elements of your front-end. Another core feature will be the management of custom pages. Custom pages are a common need for many WHMCS users, but they can be hard to create and integrate in your existing website. You will be given a place to manage all of your custom pages together with their URLs, so you can add them in your toolbar and footer navigation.

Your participation is very important and appreciated for this module.