Billing Extension Release 1.3.43


Type Description
Force client to accept your new terms of service and conditions (preview)
Change in one click the version number of your TOS
Insert the URL to your terms of service so that clients can read them before accepting changes
Clients must accept your new terms of service and conditions otherwise the module doesn't allow them to access any other page
You can edit and customize the page where clients need to accept your TOS
The page where clients need to accept your TOS is available in multi-language

Upgrade instructions

Steps Description
1 Run this query from PHPMyAdmin to your WHMCS database:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mod_billingextensiontos` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL, `tosversion` int(11) NOT NULL, `acceptdate` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
INSERT INTO `tbladdonmodules`(`module`, `setting`, `value`) VALUES ('BillingExtension','tosenable','0');
INSERT INTO `tbladdonmodules`(`module`, `setting`, `value`) VALUES ('BillingExtension','tosversion','0');
INSERT INTO `tbladdonmodules`(`module`, `setting`, `value`) VALUES ('BillingExtension','toslastupdate','');
INSERT INTO `tbladdonmodules`(`module`, `setting`, `value`) VALUES ('BillingExtension','tosurl','');