Billing Extension Release 1.3.41


Type Description
Real-time system which checks the validity of VAT numbers against databases maintained by Member States (VIES)
When adding a new clients with a VAT number the module can automatically check its validity
When editing a clients with a VAT number the module can automatically check if the VAT number is still valid
If necessary you can manually rerun checks on VAT numbers in one click still in real-time
The module stores the results of the latest check on VIES in your database so that you can get additional informations (preview)
The additional informations available are: country code, VAT number, request date, validity, ownership, address
You can now exempt from tax companies from specific countries
New function to load prefefinite tax rules just for countries of European Union
One-click configuration so that the module can immediatelly start to work with VIES in line with EU regulations
Tax rules page has been updated in order to support the new VAT MOSS and VIES functionalities
Minor bug fixed (PHP Warning with array_filter)
Minor bug fixed (PHP Warning with foreach)
Minor bug fixed (PHP Warning with GetCurrencies function of the module)
Morocco appearing wrongly in North America under Tax rules

Upgrade instructions

Steps Description
1 Backup your database and files and read very carefully our documentation before updating the module (English - Italian)
2 Run this query from PHPMyAdmin to your WHMCS database:

INSERT INTO `tbladdonmodules`(`module`, `setting`, `value`) VALUES ('BillingExtension','exemptedcountries','N;');
INSERT INTO `tbladdonmodules`(`module`, `setting`, `value`) VALUES ('BillingExtension','vieschecktimeout','30');
INSERT INTO `tbladdonmodules`(`module`, `setting`, `value`) VALUES ('BillingExtension','viessupport','off');
INSERT INTO `tbladdonmodules`(`module`, `setting`, `value`) VALUES ('BillingExtension','viesvatfield','');
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mod_billingextensionvies` (`clientid` int(11) NOT NULL, `countrycode` varchar(2) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `vatnumber` text CHARACTER SET utf8, `requestdate` text CHARACTER SET utf8, `valid` text CHARACTER SET utf8, `name` text CHARACTER SET utf8, `address` text CHARACTER SET utf8, `lastcheck` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, UNIQUE KEY `clientid` (`clientid`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
3 In case you plan to enable VIES support, please read very carefuly our documentation (English - Italian)