Billing Extension Release 1.3.16


Type Description
The module now tracks all payments made with credit and stores them in transaction log
Clients can now find in their invoices also transactions made with credit balance
"Dummy" Payment Gateway used to track credit usage
Transaction Log page now shows Payment Method column and its relative search filter
Integration code has been improved a lot
The German Compliance feature that preserves amounts on invoices has been rebuilt

Upgrade instructions

Steps Description
1 The module now includes a dummy Payment Gateway so there are new folders and files to upload
2 Integration code has been updated in order to support new functionalities. Please update it
3 There are 2 new code snippets to add in your invoicepdf.tpl and viewinvoice.tpl files. Please update them
4 Run these queries from PHPMyAdmin to your WHMCS database:

INSERT INTO `tblpaymentgateways` (`gateway`, `setting`, `value`, `order`) VALUES ('paidwithcredit', 'name', 'Credit Balance', '100');

INSERT INTO `tblpaymentgateways` (`gateway`, `setting`, `value`, `order`) VALUES ('paidwithcredit', 'visible', '', '100');