Billing Extension Release 1.5.0


Type Description
Toggle Invoicing. A new way to invoice clients on WHMCS (English - Italian)
It allows you to generate a monthly invoice for your clients
Save big money on transaction fees. Clients will send you a single monthly payment instead of multiple micro-payments
Instead of making mess with tens of proformas, notifications, cancellation requests, a separate management for domains, products/services, addons etc. now your clients can control everything from one page with simple Renew/Stop toggles (preview)
The page uses DataTable the same jQuery plug-in used by WHMCS for dynamic tables therefore there are no requirements or compatibility issues
Clients using Toggle Invoicing the first day of every month will receive a "Consolidated renewal reminder" about all their domains, products/services, addons, configurable options and billable items that are due within the next month (preview)
Clients can also assign specific groups of products to sub-accounts. For example Web Agencies that are registering domain names on behalf of their clients with you, now can assign every domain, product and addon to the corresponding client using WHMCS sub-accounts.
Moreover, when they receive their monthly invoice (HTML and PDF version), they will know who is the owner of a given domain or product. In this way they can easily manage renewals and payments with their clients (preview)
All features, pages and invoices of Toggle Invoicing support multiple languages
The "Consolidated renewal reminder" notification can be customized from Email Templates (preview)
Toggle Invoicing can be enabled globally or just for specific clients or groups of clients (preview 1, preview 2, preview 3)
We have carefully reproduced all the dependencies between products and addons so that for example if the renewal of an addon with "Suspend Parent Product" enabled is turned off, the module automatically turns off the renewal of the parent product
Similarly, the module knows how to deal with all the different types of "Invoice Action" of Billable Items and their custom recurring cycles. The only limitation is that you can't use "Days" and "Weeks" as a recurring cycle since obviously they're not compatible with monthly invoicing
The monthly invoice does not differ from a standard invoice of WHMCS therefore there are no problems with domain renewals, and with the unsuspensions of products/services and addons
If a client is using Toggle Invoicing, the module automatically adds a button in the toolbar so that he can reach the page to manage renewals and contacts (preview)
New filters added to Clients tab in Billing Extension
Exported XLS files encoding for VAT MOSS reports
Countless small improvements to action hooks, jQuery libraries and scripts
Small error in a query involving "Paid with credit" payment method

Upgrade instructions

Steps Description
1 Backup your database and files before updating the module. If you plan to use Toggle Invoicing read the documentation first (English - Italian). Please immediately report us any bug you may encounter.
2 Run or import this query from PHPMyAdmin to your WHMCS database