25 january 2019
This news is not available in English since it concerns companies based in Italy.If your company operates in another country this article doesn't apply to you. L'ultima release di Billing Extension 2.2.33 rappresenta un giro di boa per la fatturazione elettronica dove abbiamo condensato un gran numero di novità che non puoi assolutamente perdere....
By Davide Mantenuto
1 january 2019
This news is not available in English since it concerns companies based in Italy.If your company operates in another country this article doesn't apply to you. Buon 2019 a tutti, senza troppi indugi andiamo però subito a parlare di quello che sta a tutti più a cuore ossia la fatturazione elettronica che ha fatto il suo esordio con il nuovo anno....
By Davide Mantenuto
25 december 2018
This news is not available in English language since it concerns companies based in Italy.If your company operates in another country this article doesn't apply to you. Il 1° gennaio si avvicina insieme all'obbligo di emissione di fatture elettroniche. In questa news vogliamo ricapitolare i passaggi più importanti rispondendo alle domande freque...
By Davide Mantenuto
21 november 2018
Katamaze never stops! One of the most frequent requests from our new users is to try out our modules before buying.As you know, we do not provide trial licenses for security reasons. However, for some users who request it, we provide access to one of our demo environments. This way we give the possibility to test the features of our softwares in a...
By Giulio
30 october 2018
As many of you may have noticed, this is a period of big news for Katamaze. Many of our modules have been renewed and improved both in their interface and features, in a process that never stops.Billing Extension, among all, has always been the flagship product, with a development started 5 years ago and almost 100 releases since then (about one re...
By Giulio